Illuminate events with projection mapping

Lukáš Brus - 07/16/2019 - 4 Comments

With the right projection mapping software in your hands and the light projector at your service, you can become the digital artist of the future. Projection mapping (or video mapping) is a technology of projection visual art on walls and other objects.

With the projection mapping projectors you can do beautiful artworks and design your events with light. Mapping projectors are equipped various visual art tools, and you can control them with any device. (laptop, iPad or your smart phone)

The workflow is similar to how Photoshop is used to edit images. You can add visual light effects on walls around you with a simple app.

Since its all wireless, as a light designer you can freely move between stages and control the whole set-design from a single iPad device in your hands. In real time.


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jose ojeda

6 years ago

I’m Jose Ojeda from south Spain.
I’m interested in your projector. I need more information of mapping projector.

Best regards.

Nader Ghannam

5 years ago


Please send us the cost of the projector with the data sheet.
We di 3D mapping and it seems that the setup of the projector is easy.

Looking forward to hearing from you.

Events Director


5 years ago


Please send us the cost of the projector. But We Will use it for indoor it’s a big hall.

Event Director


5 years ago

Hello,I have to projection

See our pricelist